2023 ABBA Bull Development & Marketing Program Kicking Off

March 25th, 2023 
by Caydi Blaha

The ABBA Bull Development & Marketing Program is designed to provide Brahman breeders with the opportunity to develop bulls, collect economically relevant data and market commercially oriented bulls in a cooperative effort. AJ Knowles, Director of Breed Improvement & Mr. Todd Schindler, Research & Breed Improvement Committee Chairman traveled to Texana Feeders in Floresville, TX where the Bull Development & Marketing Program is getting ready to kick off.

As they arrived, both Knowles and Schindler were instantly struck by how calm all of the bulls were. There was over 60 bulls in the pen and, they didn’t observe a single fight and heard no vocalizations. Modern efforts by Brahman breeders to apply intense selection for docility throughout the breed were very apparent here!

We are thankful for our partners at Texana Feeders, who have them on a very high quality ration. They are cleaning up the bunk and gaining well, as you can see. We would also like to thank everyone who entered bulls in the program. We invite you all to come observe or assist with data collection the first week of May as we officially kick off the program. Participation in these programs will be a key factor in Brahman’s ability to grow our share of the dinner plate moving forward. If you’re interested in attending our data collection day, please contact A.J. at ajknowles@brahman.org for more information.