Genomics & DNA

Today’s science allows for precise, accurate DNA tests that have the potential to reshape herd genetics.

DNA Products

DNA Fingerprint/DNA Profile: A compilation of 100 to 200 SNPs used to compare relationships between animals. For reciprocity animals, these can be collected to compare offspring to the animal. The relationship between the animal and their sire/dam will not be verified when there is only a profile.


Parent Verification: The process of verifying the relationship between the animal and their sire/dam. In order to complete this process, the animal, their sire, and their dam must all have an existing DNA profile. A DNA profile and parent verification are typically ordered together.


50K/100K Genotype: A compilation of 50,000 or 100,000 SNPs used to compare relationships between animals to a much deeper degree, as well as used to capture common variation within the population. This allows animals with similar genetic profiles to be compared, even if they are distantly related. The benefit to this is that EPDs are calculated with much greater accuracy.


ABBA offers genomic testing outside of parent verification. Genotypes are highly recommended on any animal, and may be required for animals in an A.I./ET program over the course of the next 5 years.

For the year of 2023, the ABBA is offering a discounted price of $30 on the HD50K (Zoetis) and the GGP Bovine 100K (NEOGEN).
For more information on these products, please review the ABBA DNA FAQ and view the links below.

Or of course, contact us at the ABBA office or at [email protected]:

Genomic enhanced EPDs (GE-EPDs) use results from a genomic test (genotype) in addition to pedigree, performance and progeny data that is already used, to increase the accuracy and reliability of an animal’s EPDs. While there is slight variability from breed to breed and trait to trait, a GE-EPD on an unproven bull has roughly the same level of accuracy as if that bull has already sired his first calf crop. Only animals that are genotyped will receive GE-EPDs.

5 Year DNA Plan – 2023 to 2028

The ABBA board of directors approved a 5 year DNA / genomics plan to elevate our parent verification platform to SNP technology, to offer genomic-enhanced EPDs to commercial and seedstock breeders using Brahman genetics, and to transition to Whole Herd Enrollment by January 1, 2028.

This transition also gives us the opportunity to provide more accuracy and reliability in our EPD figures.

Our goal is to serve all our ABBA members and Brahman breeders. We welcome any questions so that we can help advise you on the best plan for your operation. For more information contact [email protected].

Our parent verification services will continue during this transition, with all new samples being on an SNP analysis.

ABBA DNA Service Providers

ABBA members can utilize these two providers for DNA services.

Parent Verification

There is a convenient 3-step process to start DNA parent verification.  

Step 1: Order a test kit from the ABBA office. You will need to provide the  registration numbers of the animals to be tested. The office will send you the test kit and order form to be submitted to the lab in Step 2. 

Step 2: Collect the DNA samples. You can collect a blood sample, hair sample, or tissue sample.

For questions on parent verifications contact the ABBA office or email [email protected].

Please email [email protected] for all Parent Verification requests. 

Educational Resources

NEOGEN Tissue, Blood, and Hair Sample Instructions

DNA Protocol Step by Step

Shipping DNA Samples

Protocol to Request DNA Kits for ET Calves 2024+

DNA Protocol for Cattle Already Registered

For any inquiries regarding DNA and genetics, contact Allison Hajny, DNA and Technological Support Coordinator at [email protected] or call (979) 485-5528