DNA Products
DNA Fingerprint/DNA Profile: A compilation of 100 to 200 SNPs used to compare relationships between animals. For reciprocity animals, these can be collected to compare offspring to the animal. The relationship between the animal and their sire/dam will not be verified when there is only a profile.
Parent Verification: The process of verifying the relationship between the animal and their sire/dam. In order to complete this process, the animal, their sire, and their dam must all have an existing DNA profile. A DNA profile and parent verification are typically ordered together.
50K/100K Genotype: A compilation of 50,000 or 100,000 SNPs used to compare relationships between animals to a much deeper degree, as well as used to capture common variation within the population. This allows animals with similar genetic profiles to be compared, even if they are distantly related. The benefit to this is that EPDs are calculated with much greater accuracy.