E.A.R. Program

Gain insight into carcass traits and end-product merit through this commercially focused program from the American Brahman Breeders Association.

The E.A.R. Program is designed to allow ABBA and American Brahman breeders to gain an understanding of how genetics perform within the beef industry.


The program involves a comprehensive feeding evaluation of Brahman genetics from a purebred and percentage standpoint, with all individuals being traceable to known Brahman lines.


— Provide a means by which a producer or user of Brahman genetics may capture carcass data in a real world setting to understand the beef-producing ability of their cattle.

— Provide a rewarded competition among ABBA members and Brahman genetic users by using data collected.

— Provide real world statistics that help promote the Brahman breed globally to counter long held beef production stereotypes of Brahman cattle.

— To increase the value of Brahman genetics by offering an incentive for the commercial user in the form of a cooperative feeding and harvest program.