Standard of Excellence

ABBA and its members believe in setting high excellence standards for the American Brahman breed.

I. General Appearance — 22 points

Well-developed according to age. Bulls 1,600 to 2,200 lb. at maturity in good flesh. Cows 1,000 to 1,400 lb. Body frame should have ample depth, width and length regardless of condition.

Massive, long, broad, moderate depth, balanced, straight back with a slightly rounding rump. Any appreciable dropping off from hips to region of crops or hump is undesirable. Bottom line straight except for sheath in bull and navel in cow.

Hide soft and pliable, of medium thickness, hair of medium texture and soft. Bone ample in substance, clean cut and strong. Muscling long, well defined.

II. Body Conformation — 55 to 56 points

Moderately oblique, smooth, broad on top and covered by hump. Brisket not prominent. Chest wide and deep, good width on floor.

Back and Ribs (9 points)

Ribs well sprung from backbone, arched, with ample length to give moderate depth to body. Symmetrically joined to loin and crops. Excessive depression behind shoulders objectionable. Short middle and excessive depth of rib not desirable. Back and loin uniformly wide and gently sloping to the sides when viewed from rear. Well covered with thick natural muscling. A sharp angle of back between and extending above hooks objectionable.


Loin (8 points)

Broad, thick, level and firm, blending smoothly into back and rump.

Rump (8 points)

Long, wide at pins and slightly rounding toward tail head. Smoothly joined to loin (steep slope serious discrimination). Tailhead smooth.


Hooks (1 point for females only)

Slightly below level of back, medium in width, well laid in.


Round (8 points)

Broad, thick, full, and deep, extending well down to hock.

Moderate length, straight and squarely placed. Bone with ample substance, strong and clean, tapering into well-formed, dense joints. Hind legs perpendicular when viewed from rear but slightly inclined forward below hocks; muscular above hocks. Strong moderately sloping pasterns. Toes uniform, ample in size and straight heel deep. Walk straight, strong and active.

Animal should show indications of superior muscling: front legs set wide, shoulder thick, forearm and stifle well-muscled. Rounding over top. Rounds thick and full with widest point halfway between rump and hock when viewed from rear. Animal should stand square, walk with hind legs set well apart while traveling true. Good length from hook to hock and from pin to stifle. Bone relatively heavy.

III. Breed and Sex Characteristics — 16 to 17 points

Grey or red of varying shades predominate. Brindle, gruella and true white (albino) are disqualifications. Muzzle, hoofs and switch black. Horns dark.

Sex should be expressed by the head. Bulls masculine and females feminine. Face moderate in length, muzzle full, nostrils wide and open, lips dark. Eyes mild and full with good width between them. Horns set wide at base, thick and medium in length. Horns of cows should be thinner than those of bulls.

Neck moderately short, muscular in bull; neat in cow, blending smoothly into shoulders. Throat clean on sides, but with moderate development of dewlap.

Bulls should possess hump of ample size, located directly on top of shoulders, moderate in thickness, somewhat resembling a bean in shape and extending backwards. Females should show hump of moderate development, more oval in shape and located on top of shoulders.

Sheath should be a medium size and closely attached, not pendulous. Excessive development of sheath or navel objectionable.

Set above pins and neatly attached to body on a level with top line or slightly below. Moderately long.

Bulls should possess pronounced masculinity. The scrotum should contain two testicles, well developed, of equal size. Abnormal testicles serious discrimination. Females should show characteristics of refinement and femininity. Udder should be ample in capacity, extending well forward in line with belly and well up behind; not fleshly. Teats moderate in size and squarely placed under each quarter.

Hide densely covered with hair of medium texture, oily to the touch and capable of movement along sides. Well-developed dewlap with soft, pliable skin arranged in folds extending from lower jaw to chest floor. Moderate development of loose skin under belly.

IV. Temperament — 6 Points

Alert but docile.

Total Points: 100